Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

cARTworkTOON for hotrod

pedal cars advertising

klub pedal car pertama di indonesia



Dibentuk Indonesia.
Bentuk bulat adalah bentuk universal dari persatuan.

Warna Merah & Putih adalah bendera Indonesia
MERAH : Lambang Keberanian & Keberuntungan
PUTIH : Lambang Kebersihan & Kejujuran
HIJAU : Lambang Kesinambungan & Regenerasi
ABU.... : Lambang Persahabatan

Roda melambangkan bagian Pedal Car, 3 buah pedal melambangkan kegiatan kita dalam club yaitu ( Hobby, Business, Club ) :

HOBBY : Kita berkumpul dalam wadah PEDAL CAR CLUB INDONESIA karena mempunyai hobby yang sama yaitu ketertarikan pada Pedal Car baik dari keunikannya maupun historisnya.

BUSINESS : Dalam wadah PEDAL CAR CLUB INDONESIA ini kita dapat melakukan transaksi jual-beli Pedal Car pada khususnya dan barang lain pada umumnya, memaksimalkan potensi para anggota dan rekomendasi antar anggota dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha.
CLUB : Dalam wadah PEDAL CAR CLUB INDONESIA kita bisa meningkatkan tali silaturahmi, dan saling membagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan tentang Pedal Car yang tujuan akhirnya kita berperan serta pada pelestarian Pedal Car di Indonesia.

Adapun tambahan lainnya adalah penambahan keterangan di bawah logo adalah untuk menandakan wilayah koordinasi kepengurusan tiap daerah yang tergabung di dalam wadah PEDAL CAR CLUB INDONESIA.

Bandung, 28-Juli-2012.

History of the Pedal Car...

History of the Pedal Car...

As early as the late nineteenth century, wheeled toys came in vogue for children. Bicycles were popularly used as a method to keep children healthy, and though they were considered an adult utility, many children from many different places started enjoying the mobility that the bicycles provided. In 1914, Henry Ford and his assembly line started making cars more affordable and more universal, and it was easy to see how children would be enchanted by these powerful and attractive machines.

Several toy companies were up to the challenge and they began outfitting small metal automobiles that were powered completely via leg-power. The "bodies" of these cars were hammered out of sheet metal, and wood was used for the chassis, while the wheels consisted of wooden rounds that were covered with hard rubber tires. Though most of these cars were made to look like generic automobiles, some lucky children could play with cars that were made to look like specific brands or models.

These toys also came with accessories that enhanced the play experience. Oil cans and tool boxes, complete with small tools that were made in imitation of real ones, were perfect for children who had a mechanical bent. They could even flip up the hood and find a lightweight radiator to fiddle with. The cars themselves could be sophisticated enough to have working turn signals and real leather upholstery.
With the advent of the second World War, many children became patriotically inclined and the cars morphed into tractors, jeeps and airplanes, allowing the children to once again imitate the actions of their elders. These were still high ticket items in some ways; a pedal car could be quite expensive for a family on the budget. By the fifties, with the war over and the veterans returned home, combined with the economic boom, pedal cars became a selling point for many new families, especially for ones that had felt the lean pinch of the war years.
The pedal car, much like the automobile itself has made itself at home in American history, and as you can see there are many reasons for this! Today, pedal cars come in plastic as well as metal, and they might as easily have a toy cell phone as a toy oil can, but as you can see, the fun remains the same.
Author LaZinnia Manley Dec. 06

cerita dibalik nama dan logo 109

berawal dari sebuah tempat di jl lengkong besar 109 bandung inilah usaha mainan anak mobil gowes dimulai
namun dibalik tiga angka tersebut mempunyai filosofi lain bagi kami,
berawal dari angka 1 hingga 9 di tengah ada kosong seperti sebuah perjalanan dan penilaian
kami selalu memulai dan menghargai proses dan selalu yakin bahwa angka 10 yg identik dengan kesempurnaan itu hanya milik sang maha pencipta, sedangkan kami sebagai mahluk ciptaan-Nya hanya bisa mensyukuri dan memanfaatkan karunia yg telah diberikan dengan berkarya secara kreatif...

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

pedal car roadster made in bandung

model roadster kami release mulai di 5jt untuk model kiri dan 8jt untuk model kanan / bawah

model ini release di harga 10 jt

kami melayani pembuatan pedal car customize
untuk saat ini baru tersedia type roadster/hotrod yg bisa kami produksi
lama waktu produksi dan pengerjaan 3

minggu dari DP50% kami terima

informasi dan pemesanan

@gindasonagi @109pedalcars 
mobile / WhatsApp 087824178805
pin 21e07250